Why Are There So Many Churches? - Michael Shank - Can they all be right?
Schools of Preaching
Memphis School of Preaching - Throughout its history, from 1966 to the present, they have been blessed by godly elders, gifted preachers, and dedicated members of the church.
Florida School of Preaching - Have been training men to preach since 1969.
Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies - Training men to preach the Gospel since 1971
Polishing the Pulpit - A workshop for every member of the Lord's Church.
Christian Books and Other Resources
Christian Family Bookstore - Their mission is to be the trusted first choice for those seeking biblical resources and supplies anywhere in North America.
Start2Finish Books - Blogs, Podcasts, and Other Resources
Walking in His Footsteps - Free curriculum, sermons, blogs, podcasts, and other resources
Radically Christian - Blogs, Books, and Podcasts
The Adventures in Ministry (AIM) Network - Resources (curriculum, podcasts, devotionals, songs) especially aimed at youth and youth ministers
Christian Evidences
ApologeticsPress.org - An organization defending biblical Christianity.
ChristianCourier.com - Wayne Jackson. A collection of scholarly works dealing with Christian apologetics, biblical insight, and more.
Brotherhood Publications & Media
House-to-House Heart-to-Heart - Published by the Jacksonville church of Christ in Jacksonville, AL. Exists to reach out to your community and spread the news about Christ and God’s Word.
Focus Press - A publishing organization desiring that all people everywhere come to an understanding of what true Christianity really is.
Gospel Advocate - Religious magazine in circulation since 1855 that publishes articles pertaining to Biblical integrity, doctrinal balance, timely topics, and timeless truths.
Forthright Magazine - Daily Biblical and spiritual articles by published authors
International Gospel Hour - Since 1934, International Gospel Hour speakers have done just one thing: they've taught God's truth in love.
Gospel Broadcasting Network - A satellite network, broadcasting the truth and nothing but the truth, 24/7.
In Search of the Lord’s Way - Television program with Mack Lyon and Phil Sanders.
World Video Bible School - A list of videos on any Bible subject.
Bible Gateway - Multiple versions of the Bible online.
Blue Letter Bible - Multiple versions of the Bible online.
E-Sword Bible Program - A Free Biblical Software for Windows E-Study Source — the exclusive source for bestselling e-Sword Bibles, commentaries, and more! Bible Support — the largest archive of user-made e-Sword modules, resources, and tools!
Burton Coffman Commentaries on the New Testament
Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible
Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
J.W. McGarvey’s Original Commentary on Acts
Commentaries on BibleStudyTools.com
Nave’s Topical Bible
Treasury of David, by Charles H. Spurgeon
Robertson’s Word Pictures
Commentary on the letters to the Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, and Romans - by J.W. McGarvey & Philip Y. Pendleton.
Charles Hess’s Notes on the New Testament
John Darby’s Synopsis of the New Testament
Adam Clarke’s Bible Commentary
People’s New Testament Commentary
The Complete Works of Josephus
The Writings of the Early Church Fathers
Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words